
Heat rising

Addressing the current global climate crisis

According to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, Earth’s overall temperature has risen by 0.18 C each decade since 1981.

That may not seem like a lot, but it takes a large amount of heat to affect Earth’s temperature. 

Global warming is often not given the attention it needs, despite the ongoing climate crisis. There are already noticeable signs that the planet is being heavily impacted by rising temperatures. The most significant being the melting polar ice caps.

An article by the World Wildlife Fund says the planet is losing “Arctic sea ice at a rate of almost 13 per cent per decade.”

Younger generations often discuss global warming but conclude that it is an unsolvable issue passed onto them by previous generations. 

That only holds true if nobody tries to make a difference. The global population is closing in on eight billion people and while overpopulation might be an issue, there will always be people who can make a difference. 

Preventing global warming can be accomplished in various ways. One of the most impactful green alternatives is using public transportation over private vehicles.

An article by LeaseCar states that transport accounts for around 30 per cent of total global carbon emissions.

Automobiles produce greenhouse gases that harm the atmosphere. 

It’s unlikely that cars will go out of use entirely but alternatives like trains and buses help. They are better options since they transport multiple people at once.

When going somewhere nearby, walking or biking are healthy alternatives to driving, both for people and the environment.

Another way to reduce car time is to plan travels in advance. Minimising time spent in cars in any way, will have a positive impact on the environment.

Littering is a habit many have that has an overwhelming impact on global warming. Most of what is littered is made of materials that won’t break down over time. These materials cause greenhouse gases.

According to National Geographic, plastic takes more than 400 years to degrade, meaning most of it still exists in some form. Only 12 per cent has been incinerated.

Armin Mozafari, a second-year student at Carleton University, says littering is a neglected issue.

“Littering is a problem that most people don’t care about. If you need to throw something out, find a trash can or bring it back home and throw it out there,” Mozafari says.

There are even a few ways to prevent global warming while eating. 

Thrown-out food accumulates in landfills.There, the food will root, which produces methane—a key contributor to global warming. Avoiding buying and cooking food that won’t be eaten is a way to help reduce this. 

Nutrition, especially meat consumption, should also be kept in mind when buying groceries. 

Producing fruits and vegetables takes less land, energy and water than livestock. Growing crops also emits fewer greenhouse gases.

One common habit in technology-centred communities is energy waste in homes. Most of today’s technology is powered by oil and gas, which are fossil fuels. It’s possible to limit energy usage by remembering to turn appliances off when they’re not in use. Doing so will prevent a great deal of harm to the planet’s atmosphere.

Luke Baines is a member of Ingenium’s business development team in Ottawa. He says fossil fuels don’t need to be a primary source of energy nowadays. 

“Fossil fuels are avoidable because we have so many other options available as energy sources. They have been around for a while, but people have been better at using them more recently,” he says.

The planet isn’t as healthy as many choose to believe and global warming continues to affect it. If left, global warming will become an even bigger issue in only a few years.

One person can’t address climate change alone, but if everyone makes changes to make their lives more sustainable, the planet could see a move in the right direction.

About the author

Jordan is a Reporter for Youth Mind. In his free time he can be found playing basketball, hanging out with friends or working hard to become a full-time writer.

Jordan Desmarais

Jordan is a Reporter for Youth Mind. In his free time he can be found playing basketball, hanging out with friends or working hard to become a full-time writer.

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