
Letter from the Editor: Winter 2020 Edition


I’m sorry for the delay in responding. I’ve been:

– Keeping up with delivering the same output of work while having resources that helped maintain my well being become less accessible thanks to COVID-19

– Worrying about the long-term consequences of this pandemic

– Trying not to let my mental health decline get the best of me

– So tired. Just so tired,”

is what I’ve been wanting to say for the past several months.

I had many plans in communicating with you, fellow readers, as a means to connect. I planned on sending weekly newsletters. That reduced to bi-weekly newsletters. That then turned into monthly newsletters.

And now, here we are, in late November.

I must admit, it has been difficult since I last properly spoke to you. I don’t want to reveal too much of my personal life, but lately I have been overwhelmed. 

I know I’m not the only one. When I finally got around to speaking to my friends, family, colleagues — anyone, really — about this, I’m aware it’s a common sentiment we all share. What a cold comfort. 

Speaking of cold — welcome to our winter issue! (I really tried there, didn’t I?)

There are some perks to this “cold comfort” though. For one, it’s been refreshing to hear the people around me being honest, rather instead of telling me “I’m good, how are you?”

My peers have also been more understanding and patient with me when I don’t respond in a timely manner. They check up on me when I’m not my usual enthusiastic self. And they hype me up on anything I’ve accomplished — big or small.

It may sound cheesy but truth be told, these acts of kindness go a long way. I think it’s important to reciprocate that to each other — and to be kind to yourself — as much as we can these days.

Ok — I must also admit — I’ve been trying to think of a slick way to introduce the theme for this winter issue, but I’ve had no luck (Was the strikethrough text too obvious? Maybe.). I do hope that in spite of my lack of segue, you enjoyed and/or at least could relate to what I was previously talking about. 

So here’s this issue’s theme: Finance.

*Cue the applause and the “Oohs” and “Aahs”* 

In all seriousness, the team and I understood the importance of incorporating finance into the articles presented in this issue. We believe it’s something every young person should become well accustomed to, so they don’t feel intimidated by it as they get older.

As much as some of us try to avoid the subject, nance is something that impacts all of us in different ways. For instance, some people may not be able to go to the ‘good’ high schools because of the neighbourhood they live in. Some people have to choose between paying for food and paying for rent.

All in all, it impacts practically every aspect of our lives. And in our country, it has the power to affect the opportunities that come our way — personally and professionally.

We hope that as you read through this issue, you will see just how important it is to learn about the role nance plays in our lives. We also hope that you gain practical knowledge and insight with our tips and informational guides on how to set up different types of bank accounts.

And as always, we have a wholesome photo essay to wrap up this winter issue.

I will do my best to connect with you whenever I can through newsletters in the future.

Until then, please take care of yourselves.

Happy reading,


P.S. You are always more than welcome to send me a letter as well! Email me at: editor@youthmind.oldf.org

About the author

Previous Managing Editor at Youth Mind | Website

Ramona Leitao is a former managing editor of Youth Mind. When not writing, or taking photos, you’ll find her baking her signature baguettes while crying to Studio Ghibli soundtracks.

Ramona Leitao

Ramona Leitao is a former managing editor of Youth Mind. When not writing, or taking photos, you’ll find her baking her signature baguettes while crying to Studio Ghibli soundtracks.

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